Release Date: Monday February 14, 2022
The Miles Hall Foundation Contact: Taun Hall, Executive Director info@themileshallfoundation.org
February 15, 2022, Marks the “Miles Hall Day of Remembrance” Miles’ 26th Birthday Celebration and Community Bike Give-Away Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors has once again declared February 15th, the “Miles Hall Day of Remembrance”. Again this year, in honor of would have been Miles’ 26th birthday, the Miles Hall Foundation, in partnership with NAMI Contra Costa, will be holding a celebration and giving away new bicycles to children in the community through our partners, Hope Solutions and The Power Church in Brentwood.
The event is open to the media (not the general public).
Where: Garden Apartments – Commons Area - 2387 Lisa Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
When: 4 PM on Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Who: Children and parents receiving the donated bikes, staff and volunteers from
The Miles Hall Foundation, NAMI Contra Costa, Hope Solutions, The Power Church
What: The Miles Hall Foundation purchased 16 new bicycles that will be given to children aged 3 to 14 years old via Hope Solutions. In addition to the bikes, NAMI Contra Costa is
partnering with The Miles Hall Foundation to provide pizza, cupcakes, and gift cards to
purchase bike helmets for each child. Pastor Chris Williams from The Power Church in
Brentwood will be offering a prayer to honor Miles and encourage reflection on and
remembrance by all in the community.
Please consider a $26 one-time or monthly donation to Miles' Foundation to honor and celebrate his birthday! Donations are tax-deductible and support our mission.
African American Mental Health Awareness Week
The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors have proclaimed February 13-19, 2022,
as acknowledgement of African American Mental Health Awareness Week and
February 15, 2021 as the Miles Hall Day of Remembrance.
About The Miles Hall Foundation: The Mission of The Miles Hall Foundation is to support families by educating communities about mental illness and protecting those impacted with mental illness from excessive use of force by law enforcement.
Since the death of their son Miles in June of 2019, the Hall family, along with their friends,
supporters, and partners has worked tirelessly to advocate for non-police response to calls for help when someone is in a mental health emergency. Currently, the “Miles Hall Lifeline Act”, Assembly Bill 988 is making its way through the California legislature to fund an alternative to 911 for calls for help that do not need a police response.
The Miles Hall Foundation works to advocate for equitable and compassionate support for those living with mental illness, to educate communities about mental illness and reduce the stigma associated with mental health, and to prevent harm caused by inappropriate responses to those in mental health crisis situations, with a special emphasis on members of BIPOC communities.
For more information about The Miles Hall Foundation, go to our Linkt.ree
For more information about our partners, please visit their sites.